Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Was wondering about your views on having a Guild Bbq somewhere around early November?

Things such as location, date and time have not been decided but it will probably be around 10 November which is a saturday.

Just need to know how many of you would be able turn up if it was organised ?

Please share your views about this either in-game or if not, the tagboard ^^ .


- Froobies <3

8:11 PM ...Crisis...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Unfortunately for us, on 28/7/07, someone hacked into Jr AFK1992 account and expelled nearly half of our members away.

Jr Starrylstars did a great job by managing to SS the people who got expelled & nearly half of them were back in guild.

However, there are still some who are left guildless and we need your help to get them back. Please do us a BIG favour by tracking them 24/7 and notify any Master/Jrs to invite them back to guild.

Here are list of people :





* Names in Italic & Bold are EXTREMELY important people and should be invited back ASAP & Names in red are those who are back :DD *

Jrs to look for : aRivOn , starrylstars. OmoiHatenaku, lilghurl, takisource, XxDaJi3xX

Let me first personally thank you all for your great help. Appreciate it.

- Froobies <3

4:19 PM ...Crisis...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

As requested by someone, I'm finally going to update this blog.

She wanted me to post about myself, and as proof,

Anyway. What about me?

I love Von.

<3 Froobies.

1:07 AM ...Crisis...

Monday, July 16, 2007

1st ever guild meeting,with only 7 attendees,yes,im counting the monkey

Well there you go,our very first guild meeting,i'm looking better in this picture,von was afk,therefore there wasn't any expression,hopefully,we can have more guild meetings and actually be more productive,seeing as we spent like 1 hour talking about crap in the FM xD

My Promotion! Wewt!

Well in case anyone didnt notice,i got promoted! Im a full fledged Jr now! =D Basically,my new duties includes;Recruiting,keeping peace and order in the guild and be helpful,which probably means answering questions and stuff,but since im a noob, i probably wont have an answer for you =D but i will attempt to help out in any way i can.


2:19 AM ...Crisis...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Have any of you guys wondered how Crisis became what it is today?

Well, it started off when two real life friends, basically me & CloudStride (call him mel if you wish to), got together and decided to create a bigger & better guild than what we were in then.

After "much" thoughts & blah & blah & blah to it, the guild came to life. No. it wasn't Crisis. In fact, Crisis was the second guild we created.

Yes. Like how some of you would remember, it was needed "MoneyBomb". The 70 slot** guild that wasn't really that big of a hit.

MoneyBomb had many ups & downs ( mainly downs ._. ) Quite a painful experience having to be the leader of that guild. We had people joining & leaving the guild everyday. It wasn't even a guild. To me, it was more of a "hotel" for our fellow maplers ._.

Soon we realised that MoneyBomb wasn't working. Infact, its the worst piece of crap that happened to me in my entire maple lifetime. I decided that we need a new beginning. A new everything. ( I was starting to despise the name anyway :X )

More or less, the idea of " A new beginning & A new everything " led to the birth of Crisis. Crisis wasn't the original name we wanted. We had a whole list other names, but sadly, all were taken. I remember one of them being Awaken.

What's the point of all these you may ask? I don't know really. I guess I just wanted to share with all my fellow guildmates how Crisis came to be ((:

Anyway, I want to personally thanks those who were in MoneyBomb & are still continuing to be loyal to us.

Them being : aRivOn <3 . CIoudStride. lilghurl. AFK1992. takisource. XMadmanX. ahteek. creamy. D3vlI1134s1n. lafionwiz. EggBun. Salamitz.

DragonZoids & TheOldWizard too. ( but they did left for a brief period of time. )

** Btw. Here's proof for the 70 slot MoneyBomb if needed.

<3 Crisis! <3 <3

Sorry for not including the pics of other members. Making this already took half my life away XD

Lets hope all fellow Crisis members will continue to be loyal to guild. Take care all ((:

- ' <3 Froobies

6:34 AM ...Crisis...

Saturday, July 14, 2007


- Froobies <3

8:30 PM ...Crisis...

What happened

What i like to think happened

They downed him without me...without ME! How could they?! ..... Oh yeah,i was banned for 3 days xD. Anyway,as the pictures suggest,we downed him,ergoth,as a guild(THEY DID IT WITHOUT ME) shows how much we progressed,from our first attempts(THEY DID IT WITHOUT ME) We took 4 1/2 hours for our 1st Gpq and failed,and in this one,we actually suceeded(WITHOUT ME) gratz to everyone who went and thanks for coming,this was really a group effort in taking him down(THEY DID IT WITHOUT ME DAMMIT!)

In other stuff,Frooby has finally answered my desperate pleas to advertise the guild on the guild notice,this being said,there should be a significant increase in the number of people visiting,meaning,we need more people to post,i'm sure i said this alot,but if anyone wants to post
a picture or anything,mail it to werdfgcvb@hotmail.com and i'll post it up,i still am a little peeved atnot being able to Gpq with you guys on that day,but i'm glad you guys finished it.

Note: Frooby is now playing neopets(<- OMFG)

Just added a clock(Idea by takisource)
Need to resize the music player,otherwise you guys cant scroll down,im changing the code but its not taking effect for some reason,anyone who can help,please help.


12:07 PM ...Crisis...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm back ~ decided to not quit XD
~MrLeft~Army Sniper Pro

4:15 PM ...Crisis...

Hi Guys,on Tuesday,10 july. I will be off maple...May you guys start leveling up fast. :) I stopped maple for a few reasons,lag...army training... I'll be with the united nations. So i'll won't be online so much ... Yes the thing omoihatenaku dude did (Duane) Did make me pretty upset. Yes,Duane i advice u to not do that to your real friends or just your game friends. It may really upset them. I'm grateful to those people who really gave me your support. And the girl who helped me the system of leveling to 30 to be a spearman,the girl i almost fell in love with :S,lilghurl . I really appreciate all your help,lilghurl . Do Charge to 70. Follow my foot steps and be a fire mage XD . Thats all i have to say. You can reach me at my email, barcalonandre@hotmail.com

Once again,thanks alot :)

~Mr Left

2:35 PM ...Crisis...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Hey guys,I'm Mrleft's friend. Posting on his behalf . Cheer him up please. I don't want to be losing to him on Paintball again. :)

9:52 PM ...Crisis...

The Aftermath,people who went and stuff

We got into a ks war! Thanks to Ariell,well,not her fault really,but hey,it was kinda fun to be in it,and stuff,alot of people turned up(not from the guild though >=[ )Cant really blame them though,it was like 2am into the night,so anyway,we settled it,this was a picture of all those who went,theres me,OmoiHatenaku,sitting and smiling,like a retard,cause im one of the few people smiling.
Started when some weird guy was following ariel,then she gently told us she had a weird stalker,faster than whatchamacallit,froobies was on the scene,ksing a lv 4x sin(dont ask me why) and that was pretty much how it started....bloody sins! They ruin the place!

(Cept for any sins in our guild that is ^^)


7:36 PM ...Crisis...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Like it?thats a screeny of our very first GPQ.

This is another crisis blog,created by eqinox(OmoiHatenaku,but i like being called eqinox instead) with permission from the GM,the guy who owns both your body AND your soul,frooby.Well,now that we got that out of the way....yes,im the lv 26 mage,i WOULD have been in my main,but we needed a low lved guy...soo...yeah......frooby doesnt seem to be in the picture,hes kinda tanned(i STILL think hes kinda black),well,so just look abit harder at the other pictures that i will be uploading,hopefully frooby too.

There is the second crisis blog,yes,i know,but i felt that we should all be able to post and things,and as frooby said he couldnt post on the other one,this blog was erected(<- dirty word)

Crisis people,feel free to post stuff here,just ask frooby for the pass and the username and you're ready to post!

Oh,and i plan to put a music list here


12:32 AM ...Crisis...


Welcome to mscrisis.blogspot.com

`Our Guild (:

* mscrisis@hotmail.com

`Members ::


`Screamz! -'

`time? }

`Musicz .;

`credits -*

Moderators: Duane(Eqinox),Frooby

Designer: pinkangel924

`rewinded memories //-

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
February 2008